How will my child be Learning

Your child will experience the world through exploration, investigation and self-regulation. Your child will be learning through play. We provide a safe environment for your child by preparing spaces and centres that are conducive of learning. Also, we actively participate in child’s activities and connect with the children by being available, sensitive, responsive and caring. This is the way they build trust, making children feel safe and secure. From this platform, relationships are made so that children discover, take risks, grow and learn. The staff will always create stimulating atmosphere that inspire learning.

Outdoor play and physical activities are important to the children and us so we have incorporated into our daily plan of active and stimulating outdoor play or inside gross motor activities (when weather is increment and unpredictable, alternative activities for the children will be provided inside).

The planning process – Each classroom will have a Daily Program Plan displayed on the bulletin board showing the play opportunities children will explore in all centres and developmental areas in the period. We expand the children’s interest by constantly adding new materials, asking questions and providing new challenges and ideas.

Posted throughout the classroom you will see documentations, photos, observations and reflections highlighting the children’s learning through play experiences. These files capture significant moments in a child’s learning to reveal and celebrate their achievements. Parents are always welcome to come and view the documentations to see how the children are engaged in their learning. Please make sure that photos of any child that are displayed on the classroom boards are not to be photographed and published prior to parent’s consent.

The curriculum will entail an ongoing series of decisions made by the Teacher in response to expressed interest and perceived potential of the children. We help facilitate the development of the children in our care and help make their transition to the next level of Ontario’s school system smooth.

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