Preschool Program

30 months to 6 years old

Teacher/ Student Ratio: 2 Teachers with 16 Students

A program for the preschoolers involves activity centres where the child directs his/her own learning. The teacher is responsible for making the centres stimulating and creative. These centres include but not limited to: dramatic centre, science centre, math/language centre, creative, sensory centres and gross motor area…. The children will be encouraged to plan their play learning on a level appropriate to their abilities. The children will be invited to join in on group activities directed by the teacher where they will be introduced to a variety of stimulating activities such as play acting, storytelling, cooking, explorations of objects, music, show and share, etc.. Each child will have the opportunity to participate in creative and cognitive/fine motor activities daily. (e.g. scissor cutting, fun with printing activities)

Letter/phonetic and number concepts will be expanded on and experienced through daily activities. The teachers will promote sharing and co-operative play and have each child feel the importance of being involved in class activities and group discussions. We encourage the children to express their ideas and feelings with their peers and teachers. We also promote self-regulation through modeling problem solving strategies, being flexible and reinforcing positive approaches and expectations.

As Educators it is our job to set up each classroom in a stimulating fun learning atmosphere with creative activities that inspires exploration, investigation and curiosity for each child.

Children’s learning activities will be documented through photographs on a daily basis. And these photographs will be displayed on the classroom board along with written goals or reflections.